Claude Shannon: el hombre que lo cambió todo

En 1948 un ingeniero llamado Claude Shannon (“the most important man you’ve probably never heard of”, según el vídeo que acompaña a esta entrada y que te recomiendo si no conoces a Shannon) publicó “A mathematical theory of communication”, un artículo llamado a poner orden en el incipiente mundo de las telecomunicaciones, que en ese momento se movía un poco por la prueba-error y cuyas aplicaciones prácticas eran muy poco eficientes.

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Macro for removing duplicate rows in Google Spreadsheet — fast version

This macro allows to check which entries on a sheet are duplicated in another, and deletes them. Instead of deleting one by one, which in GoogleSheets is extremely slow, the algorithm gets the runs of matches (e.g., starting in position K there are N matches) and then deletes them by blocks. The worst case scenario would be if the matches were intermittent, in such case the performance would be as bad as deleting one by one.

Continúa leyendo Macro for removing duplicate rows in Google Spreadsheet — fast version